Za'atar Popcorn
A tangy Middle Eastern twist to home popped popcorn.
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middle east, healthy, recipes, snacks, breakfastKatia Baizelpopcorn, zaatar, healthy, snacks, middle eastern, middle east
Tahini & Almond Flour Banana Bread
A nutrient-packed banana bread made with creamy tahini, aromatic cardamom, nigella and sesame seeds.
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middle east, middle eastern, recipes, healthy, breakfastKatia Baizelhealthy, breakfast, snacks, middle eastern, middle east, desserts
Homemade Pickles - Same Day Ready
Craving homemade pickles right now? Here is a delicious recipe that gives you same-day ready pickles, no waiting!
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Baksam - Middle Eastern Sesame Biscuits
The perfect biscuit to pair with a cup of tea.
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middle east, recipes, baksam biscuits, biscuits, middle easternKatia Baizelmiddle east, baksam, biscuits, middle eastern, iraqi, iraq
Healthy Chocolate Banana Bread
Simple ingredients and delicious taste, this healthy chocolate banana bread is the perfect snack to fill your sweet tooth cravings.
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